School Site Council - SSC | Student Elections

Functions and responsibilities of the SSC:
a. Ensure that all federal parental involvement mandates are met, specifically, the creation of the school level Title I parent involvement policy, Title I home-school compact, and the development of the Title I parental involvement budget, and the proposed expenditures of all categorical funds.
• The SSC may create a subcommittee for the purpose of developing the items noted above;
b. Develop and adopt the SPSA in consultation with relevant stakeholders and, where applicable, with the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and the School Advisory Committee (SAC);
c. Respond in writing to written recommendations from ELAC and SAC within 30 calendar days (see Attachment A)
d. Review the school’s categorical budget and plan at every meeting;
e. Review and revise the SPSA annually, to align all goals, strategies and categorical funds to the identified instructional needs of students and to the District’s priorities;
f. Examine the following data prior to the annual revision of the SPSA and all other decision-making:
• Student performance data, including but not limited to, periodic assessments, attendance data, AYP, API, the LAUSD School Report Card and Performance Meter;
• Parental involvement data, including but not limited to the school’s Title I parent involvement budget, School Experience Survey results, evaluations from parent trainings, and participation rates in parent/teacher conferences;
g. Convene at least six (6) times per year at a time that does not interfere with student instructional time and is agreeable to members;
h. Adhere to the California Open Meeting Law (Greene Act) as required by California Education Code 35147, Robert’s Rules of Order and council bylaws (see Attachment B1 and Section VI). The school principal must ensure that SSC bylaws are not in conflict with district, state or federal rules and regulations;
i. Maintain the following documents on file (electronic or paper copy) in a secure location on campus for five years and have available for review during District, state and federal compliance reviews: orientation and election meeting announcements, ballots, minutes, records of attendance, agendas, handouts, recommendations and actions from each meeting, official correspondence, bylaws, and all written documents with recommendations from advisory committees.