L.A.C.E.R. Summer Programs L.A.C.E.R. is hosting a variety of summer programs please use this form to sign up.
L.A.C.E.R. Programas de verano L.A.C.E.R. está organizando una variedad de programas de verano, utilice este formulario para registrarse.
Class of 2023 Job Fair! Seniors, build or polish up your resumes for the Class of 2023 Job Fair on June 7th. Check out the flyer for more details. These and other employers are ready to hire you.
Achieve the Honorable Night Hollywood High School's Annual Achieve the Honorable Night. Friday, June 2, 2023, at 6:00 pm in the Auditorium.
Final GATE Parent Hour for 2023 May 10 will be the final Gate Parent Hour of the 22-23 school year. The session will take place at 5:30 pm on Zoom. Please see the flyers for more details.
Boys Volleyball Playoffs @ 4:00 pm in the big gym TODAY! Boys Volleyball Playoffs @ 4:00 pm in the big gym TODAY!Ticket Prices:Students with ID $5.00Adults $7.00PLEASE COME SUPPORT!!!!
Graduation: Class of 2023 Graduation for the class of 2023 will be held on June 6, 2023, at 5:00 pm at the Hollywood Bowl.