Academic Tutoring
Do you need a place to study? Consider attending Academic Tutoring (Study Hall+).
Registered students can come to the library unannounced to study in a quiet, comfortable space. Please click on the application below to register.
Peer Tutors will be available to assist with writing assignments. If you feel “stuck” or need clarification on your essays, you can ask quick questions of a tutor while you work independently or collaboratively with your peers in a comfortable, no-pressure environment.
The tutor may answer questions, provide direction, or encourage collaboration among students with similar or complementary issues. Students, of course, can come and go in this open-entry, open-exit lab.
If you would rather have more time with a tutor, feel free to make an appointment to meet with a tutor in the Library or ask us about our Workshop Series!
- Any students interested in community service hours by becoming a Peer Tutor, please visit us in the LACER office room 603.
- Teachers wanting to set Study Hall+ extra credit, email [email protected]; and set up a class visit.
- Tutoring registration form (see below)