Edgenuity(On Campus M, W, TH, January - May 2022 From 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.)
- Consult with your counselor to learn more about opportunities to make-up courses you did not pass
- Here is the consent form https://bit.ly/HHSCreditRecoveryForm that guardians must complete
- Course options - Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, U.S. & World History, English 9-11, Biology, & Chemistry
- Get on track to graduate and sign-up today!
Updated by AP Booker on 1/15/2022
Winter Plus
(Virtually on Saturdays, January 15 - March 26, 2022, from 8 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.)
Updated by AP Booker on 1/15/2022
(Virtually on Saturdays, January 15 - March 26, 2022, from 8 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.)
- Consult with your counselor to learn more about opportunities to make-up courses you did not pass
- Here is the registration form https://bit.ly/WinterPlus2022 that guardians must complete
- Course options - Health, Economics, Government, Algebra 1, Geometry, U.S. & World History, Psychology, English 9-12
- Get on track to graduate and sign-up today!
Updated by AP Booker on 1/15/2022
Social Emotional Support
Click on the links or cut and paste in your browser to be connected to Teen Health and LAUSD Student Health & Human Services for assistance.
Hollywood High School Counseling Team
SLC Counseling Staff
- Ms. Booker, Assistant Principal, Counseling & Special Education, SAS Grade 9 Counselor
- Ms. Dyer, TCA Counselor & SAS Grade 10 Counselor
- Mr. Deleon, NMA Counselor & SAS Grade 11 Counselor
- Ms. Pinedo, PAM Counselor & SAS Grade 12 Counselor / College & Career Counselor
Additional Counseling Staff
- Dr. Williams, BSAP Administrator of Instruction
- Dr. Arocha, Dean of Students
- Ms. Richman, A-G Counselor
- Ms. Cervantes, PSA Counselor
- Ms. Crouse, School Psychologist
- Ms. Nuccio, School Support Counselor
- Ms. Cometa, Counselor (BSAP)
- Mr. Johns, Psychiatric Social Worker (BSAP)
- Mr. Velasquez, School Climate Advocate (BSAP)
- Ms. Gasparian, Sr. Office Tech & Records
- Ms. Fabian-Marquez, UCLA DCAC College Adviser (College & Career Support)
"Counselor of the week" is done on a rotating basis to increase access to counseling services. Each counselor will be in the Counseling Office during nutrition/lunch for student needs - from printing transcripts to reviewing courses and more.
Updated by AP Booker 1/15/2022