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Senior Project by Ryan Alba Spring 2017
Added May 21, 2017
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Cell Phone Experiment
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my name is Ryan Alpha and I treated this social experiment to show how rifle technology impacts the way teenagers managed to connect with each other in a naturalistic social setting I first started off by assembling three groups a different grade level from sophomore I regulated the number for and girls in each group I made sure that everyone knew each other as a casual friend rather than an aqua stranger each other and present after the 10-minute mark studied personal and social effects the next 10 minutes after each experiment I briefly interviewed each participant to get their impression what it felt like to no longer have a smartphone as a barrier of communication the sophomore group based much of their interaction on their smartphones shine on 10th and making jokes during the second half of the experiment there were more Awkward silences anxiety and depression in the first day I felt it more Awkward because I'm not used like someone told me you can use your phone right and until everyone was using their phone and I'm usually I don't usually use my phone right I like to have social social interaction and joke with people I usually home for socializing that's like the main part of my phone not having my phone then we realized that I need to have more people interactions like I don't really get much interaction outside of school is named primary like social interactions my phone I need to get away and then like I don't know him like I talk to you everyday I have to stop on the junior group the integrated the content wait on your smartphone much more into the conversation in the second half and the girl on the left had an automatic desire to check a reflection using her phone do I think it was not there in fact all of them experience symptoms of normal phobia that feeling the stress or anxiety that one's phones Out Of Reach it was awkward like I feel like I always have my phone in my hand so me and my having my phone it's really weird it was kind of trying to because you know how like we were turn the meat conversation and I brought up Instagram I'm still things that have to consider your cell phone so it's like you know I think I always have to use my phone and it's so weird not using it I thought something was missing like usually when I good friends it has to be something like that relates to social media and social media comes in. It was very awkward to make conversation but we've managed to I guess they talked all my children the most influence should an interactions most of the time I was complete silence however the minute I took all of their phones away there was immediate Direction conversation and eye contact there was talk of meeting each other after school on a Friday and an overall increase in Social NFL Madden cover easy on our phones off of the time and we had a conversation other just staring at a screen add lines to talk without her phone usually my hand the senior group prove to me that real social I watching as possible and that limiting smartphone use can bring about greater connection over all the underclassmen groups however Generations disconnected and fragmented relationships people are supposed to be connected to each other not to their devices the future is that risk of becoming merely an old friend
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