Algebra 2

The purpose of Algebra 2 is to extend students’ understanding of functions and the real numbers, and to increase the tools students have for modeling the real world. They extend their notion of number to include complex numbers and see how the introduction of this set of numbers yields the solutions of polynomial equations and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Students deepen their understanding of the concept of function, and apply equation-solving and function concepts to many different types of functions. The system of polynomial functions, analogous to the integers, is extended to the field of rational functions, which is analogous to the rational numbers. Students explore the relationship between exponential functions and their inverses, the logarithmic functions. Trigonometric functions are extended to all real numbers, and their graphs and properties are studied. Finally, students’ statistics knowledge is extended to understanding the normal distribution, and they are challenged to make 15 inferences based on sampling, experiments, and observational studies.– CA Dept of Education, Framework 2013
Units of Study

Unit 1: Equations, Inequalities, Functions

Students will expand on their knowledge of linear relationships through inverse, composite, and piecewise‐ defined functions, as well as operations on function, linear‐programming, and systems of linear equations and inequalities.  

Unit 2: Quadratic Functions

Students will continue their journey beyond linear functions and study quadratic functions. Emphasis will be placed on the solutions to quadratic equations: methods of finding them, determining their nature, and interpreting their meaning.

Unit 3: Polynomials

This unit has students focus on higher order polynomial functions. Focus will be placed on operations on polynomials, factoring, investigating intercepts, end behavior, and extrema. Students will also study permutations, combinations, and binomial probability.

Unit 4: Series, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Students will connect their knowledge of linear functions to arithmetic sequences and series. They will then go  beyond linear relationships and explore geometric sequences and series and how they connect to exponential  and logarithmic functions.

Unit 5: Radical and Rational Functions

Students will extend their knowledge of functions to radical and rational functions in this unit. Students will investigate inverses, composite functions, as well as equations and inequalities dealing with radical and rational functions.  

Unit 6:  Trigonometry

Students will build on their understanding of right triangle trigonometry in studying angles in radian measure, trigonometric functions and periodic functions.

Unit 7: Probability and Statistics

Students will explore the realm of statistical applications by focusing on the design of surveys, observational studies, and experiments.

Math Practice Standards
Like in all Hollywood High School math classes, in this class we will be making sure students work within the Common Core’s Math Practice Standards
  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively
  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
  4. Model with mathematics
  5. Use appropriate tools strategically
  6. Attend to precision
  7. Look for and make use of structure
  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
The website is a world famous tool for learning math. It has videos for students to watch when they are absent or need extra examples as well as exercises to practice and achieve mastery. Students in Algebra 1 should seek to master all skills in the KhanAcademy Algebra 1 Mission. Springboard has published a document that correlates the activities in class to KhanAcademy videos that students should take advantage of when they are struggling or want to work ahead. That document with the video links is below.

This year all Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 mathematics classes at Hollywood High School are using the SpringBoard program developed by The College Board.  The College Board is also responsible for creating the SAT and the Advanced Placements Exams. The program is a research-based program that puts the learning in the students’ hands. Each lesson is designed to teach students content in the context of a problem, as opposed to content with no immediate relevance. This course is going to push you to think in ways that many have not done previously. There will be a lot of emphasis put on student input and collaboration in class. Things may start out a little frustrating and slow, but once the class has  the feel for the program the results will be well worth the effort.


Official Common Syllabus

Practice Exams