Algebra 1

Unit 1: Equations and Inequalities |
Students will recognize and generalize patterns using words, tables, expressions, and graphs. Students will also generate rules for solving simple linear equations and inequalities, as well as absolute value equations and inequalities in one variable |
Unit 2: Functions | Students will study functions and function concepts, including domain, range, slope as rate of change, and intercepts. Students write linear functions given a point and a slope, two points, a table of values, an arithmetic sequence, or a graph. They collect and model data with linear, quadratic, or exponential functions. |
Unit 3: Extensions of Linear Concepts | Students will continue their study of linear concepts by learning about piecewise-defined linear functions, linear inequalities with one and two variables, and systems of linear equations and inequalities |
Unit 4: Exponents, Radicals and Polynomials | Students focus on exponent rules and functions, and extends into operations with radical and polynomial functions and operations. Rational expressions are also introduced. |
Unit 5: Quadratic Functions | Students will study a variety of ways to solve quadratic functions and apply that learning to analyzing real world problems. |
Unit 6: Data Analysis and Surveys | Students will study methods for selecting and analyzing unbiased samples. Students will then design and conduct surveys. |
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
- Model with mathematics
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Attend to precision
- Look for and make use of structure
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
This year all Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 mathematics classes at Hollywood High School are using the SpringBoard program developed by The College Board. The College Board is also responsible for creating the SAT and the Advanced Placements Exams. The program is a research-based program that puts the learning in the students’ hands. Each lesson is designed to teach students content in the context of a problem, as opposed to content with no immediate relevance. This course is going to push you to think in ways that many have not done previously. There will be a lot of emphasis put on student input and collaboration in class. Things may start out a little frustrating and slow, but once the class has the feel for the program the results will be well worth the effort.
Textbook: SpringBoard: Algebra 1. CollegeBoard
This textbook is different from most others in that it is completely consumable by the student. This means that you will take notes and do classwork directly in the text. Since the books are consumable, they are not hardbound and can be messed up fairly easily. For this reason I suggest that you get a three ring binder to protect your book (see class materials). If a book is lost, the cost to have a new book will be $20. Ordering a replacement book will be mandatory.
- Fall Final Exam
- Spring Final Exam